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Dan & Darci Create Your Own Bouncy Balls Kit - 12 Count


Combine colors, pour the powders into the mold, soak them in water, and walla! A real bouncy ball is born! Mix the bright colors and create incredible patterns. A perfect birthday party activity for the kiddos.

Innovative formula:
Our innovative bouncy formula and clear instructions will ensure only the bounciest balls every time!
Kit includes:
12 individual bouncy-ball-making kits; each comes with 2 bouncy powder bags (in various colors), 1 mold, and instruction paper. In total, you can make 12 bouncy balls in 4 distinct shapes, with 6 color choices.

A fun and educational gift for all ages:
It's not often that a science project can be fun and engaging, but this kit achieves both! Great set for individual play or as group party favors. It fascinates children as soon as they pull it out of the box and is a perfect STEM project. It fosters a love for science and paleontology in a fun and exciting way.

STEM.org authenticated educational product:
This product has been evaluated by STEM.org and has been authenticated to meet the highest standards of STEM learning.

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